Welcome to Science and Safety Consulting’s Blog!

Hello and welcome to Science and Safety Consulting! I’m glad you’ve found us.

My name is Dr. Julianne L. Baron. I am an avid consumer of scientific knowledge and always curious to learn more about infectious diseases and public health. I have a background in infectious diseases, microbiology, biosafety, and public health. If you’re interested, you can learn more about me on my About page.

I founded Science and Safety Consulting to serve as a resource for organizations that need help with scientific research, pandemic preparedness, and laboratory safety. I offer safety plan and program review or design, scientific study design review, white papers, product reviews, risk assessments, education, and training. Learn more about my offerings on my Services page. If you have a biological science or safety need, please reach out and we’ll see how we can work together to address it!

I regularly read peer review studies, scientific news articles, and books about science topics and thought that I would take the opportunity to share some of these great resources with you here in my blog! Also, there are many professional societies and government organizations that have terrific resources and themed science or health and safety topic weeks to share. What topics do you want to hear more about? Are there any science questions you want answered or myths you want busted? Please let me know and I’d be happy to look into them for a post.


International Infection Prevention Week 2020